The Security Council was established by the UN Charter in 1945. It is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. The other 5 organs of the United Nations are (1)the United Nations General Assembly,(2) the United nation trusteeship council,(3)the United Nations Economic and social council, (4)The United Nations international court of justice, and (5)the United nation secretariats primary responsibility is to work to maintain international peace and security. The council is headquartered in New York.

The council has 15 members: five permanent members and ten non-permanent members elected for a two-year term. The five permanent members are the United States, the Russian Federation, France, China, and United Kingdom India, for the eighth time, has entered the UNSC as a non- permanent member last year 2021 and will stay on the council for two years i.e. 2021-22. Estonia, Niger, St Vincent


And the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam finish their term recently. United nation Security Council (UNSC) got five new non-permanent members (Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana and the United Arab Emirates) Albania is joining for the first time while Brazil is taking the 11th term. Gabon and Ghana each have been on council three times before and the UAE once.

More than 50 of the UN's 193 member countries have never been elected to the council since its formation. Each year, the general assembly elects five non-permanent (out of ten in total) for a two years term. Then ten non-permanent seats are distributed on a regional basis. The council’s presidency is a capacity that rotates every month among its 15th members.

India in the UNSC: India has taken part in 43 Peacekeeping missions with a total contribution exceeding 160,000 troops and a significant number of police personnel.

Issues with UNSC: Power play in UNSC, The veto power that the UNSC‘s five permanent members enjoy is an anachronism in this age. The UNSC in its current form has become a constraint in understanding the international changes and dynamics in the area of human security and peace. An Underrepresentation organization. The absence in the UNSC of the globally important countries- India, Germany, Brazil, and South Africa is a matter of concern.

Akash Kumar FYBA067 
